Installation instructions
Copyright © 2003-2006 Donald Sapello. All Rights Reserved.
This applet is free for personal or commercial use under the condition that the Java code is not modified in any way.

Installation Instructions

Put the BackFlip.class file and your images in the same directory as the web page that contains the applet.

Sample HTML code: (Required/Optional)

<applet code="BackFlip.class" width="400" height="380">
<param name="images" value="sunset.jpg, flag.jpg, trees.jpg">
<param name="delimiter" value="|">
<param name="imagetitles" value="Sunset|Flag over USS Arizona Memorial|Trees">
<param name="directory" value="images">
<param name="instructions" value="Drag the mouse to flip adjacent pieces.">
<param name="wintext" value="You Win!">
<param name="imagebuttontext" value="Image">
<param name="puzzlebuttontext" value="Puzzle">
<param name="nextpuzzletext" value="Next Puzzle">
<param name="loadingtext" value="Loading...">
<param name="scrambletext" value="Scrambling...">
<param name="imageerrortext" value="Could not load image.">
<param name="imageserrortext" value="Could not load images.">

Minimum applet size is 188 X 218. The control bar is 30 pixels high.

Required parameter:

images - List of images separated by commas.
Minimum image size is 188 X 188.
Images larger than the applet window will be cropped.
Maximum number of images is 25.

Optional parameters:

directory - Name of directory (relative to the web page) containing the images.

imagetitles - List of titles for each corresponding image.
If this param is used, the images are selected with a drop-down list containing the image titles.

delimiter - To use a character other than a comma (default) to separate the image titles in the imagetitles param.

instructions - To override the default text displayed

wintext - To override the default text displayed when the user solves the puzzle.

imagebuttontext - To override the default text ("Image") displayed on the "Puzzle/Image" button.

puzzlebuttontext - To override the default text ("Puzzle") displayed on the "Puzzle/Image" button.

nextpuzzletext - To override the default text displayed on the "Next Puzzle" button.

loadingtext - To override the default text displayed when the images are loading.

scrambletext - To override the default text displayed when the puzzle is scrambling.

imageerrortext - To override the default text displayed when an image does not load.

imageserrortext - To override the default text displayed when none of the images load.

The gray control bar contains the "Image/Puzzle" button. It can also contain (depending on the number of images and number and length of image titles) a drop-down list of image titles, a "Next Puzzle" button or a text label of the image title.
If there are no image titles and there is only one image, no image selection controls or titles will be displayed.
If there are no image titles and there is more than one image, the "Next Puzzle" button will be displayed.
If there is one image title and one image, the image title will appear as text (if it will fit.)
If there are multiple images and multiple image titles, the drop-down list containing the image titles will be displayed.
If the length of an image title makes the drop-down list control too wide to fit, the "Next Puzzle" button will be displayed instead.